Atul Dwivedi
Web developer proficient in Full Stack Web Development Tech. and DSA, with an ever-growing passion for implementing and launching new projects that have tangible outcomes for others. Ability to work well in team-oriented and collaborative projects. Looking forward to working in a company to augment my skills and contribute significantly to the organization.
Vs Code
Medistar-Hospital Appointment System
MedistarMedistar Hospital Management system is designed to automate the management of hospital appointments, including the handling of patient records, medical billing, appointment scheduling, and other administrative tasks.
Features : Authentication,APIValidation, Responsive, Cross Platform, Signup/signin/Logout, Appointment Booking, Appointment Cancelation, Admin can perform all crud operations,
Tech Stack : HTML, CSS, JavaScript,NodeJS,MongoDB,ExpressJS,nodemailer,TypeScript
Chatify-Real Time Chat Application
ChatifyA real-time chatting application where multiple users can communicate between them and also in different groups.
Features : Authentication, Google OAuth Authentication, Status, Private Chat, Group Chat
Tech Stack :HTML,CSS,JavaScript, MongoDB,,expressJs,oauth2
Fashion point-Anhtrology Inspired App
Fashion point is an e-commerce Website primarily for faishnable products including adults, kids, and other type.
Features : Offers over 14000 products with easy-to-choose options, including adults, kids, and other type. Option to create own personalized shopping list of products. Admin and user controllers. Real-time product information.
Tech Stack :
HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS
Vocal for Local-Near Buy You Clone
OverStock Vocal for Local is a clone of Near buy you which provide best restaurant deals in your finger tips and book your table so that you have quality time with your near and dear ones.
Features : Login/Logout, SignUp,Best Deals ,MongoDB Atlas ,Different Routers for admin and Users
Tech Stack :MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap